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Medication verification and registration at the patient's bedside

Are you not waiting for medication errors? Then Humanscale's COWs are the right choice for you. The unique MedLink system monitors every step of the drug distribution process, from the pharmacy to the bedside. So nothing can go wrong, right? But what if the medication prescription has changed between the time it is prepared and the time it is administered? Or if no one is available on the ward for the second check of high risk medication?

Then MedEye offers a solution. MedEye is a medication verification system that can be integrated on the Humanscale medication trolleys. Before the medication is administered to the patient, MedEye provides the very last check. The system automatically verifies all types of medication at the patient's bedside and immediately helps the nurse to complete the correct registrations. MedEye also helps with the double check of high risk medication and ensures that this is handled safely and efficiently.

With MedLink and MedEye you give your healthcare institution full control over the administration of medication (closed-loop). This is how we help eliminate medication errors!

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